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Specialised Treatments

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Ways to work with Kambo

There are many ways in which we can work with Kambo. When deciding which treatment is best suited we consider the clients health, intention and previous experience with this particular medicine. The most common treatment is similar to that which has been adopted from the jungle traditions, where a number of Kambo points are applied after drinking around 1.5 liters of water. This treatment will last between 20-40 mins.


Other treatment options are; Single point, layered or 'stacked', dry Kambo, Chinese medicines meridian system and most recently the Nadi Kambo system, created by our beautiful mentor Lisa Silva.



Single point Kambo When serving Kambo to someone for the first time we always start with a test point, allowing us to gauge their tolerance levels to the medicine. In cases where someone has ill health, are frail or very anxious we may opt for a single point for the first treatment. This acts as a lovely introduction to Kambo and can sometimes result in powerful shifts and positive effects, despite being a relatively small dose of medicine.


Layered or stacked​ This is where we apply smaller amounts of Kambo gradually throughout the treatment. Using a layered approach means we can build up the intensity of the medicine throughout the process, allowing us time to assess how the client is feeling at each step. This can be done at various speeds and quantities, making this treatment very versatile.


Dry Kambo Some health conditions mean a client should not or can not purge. In these cases we can still work with Kambo but without the water taken up font. Reasons for this can be issues with the stomach and oesophagus. By keeping the client below the purge point we are able to administer the same amount of Kambo as a full treatment, without the purging.


Meridian Lines ​In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), meridians are internal energy pathways running through the body which energetically connects the body’s organs and subsystems. Each energetic channel is punctuated by points which are used in healing techniques such as acupuncture and acupressure. When we stimulate these points, we can influence the flow of energy through the organs that the channels pass through. If the energy running through a particular organ is blocked or weak, the organ will develop problems. Through precise positioning of kambo points, we can strengthen or even open up the flow of energy. This can increase the intensity of the kambo experience and many people even feel unusual sensations In their limbs and organs after a meridian treatment. This is the energy flowing again after being unblocked.















Nadi Kambo The Nadi system is an innovative healing approach that has been created by our mentor Lisa Silva of Kambo Tree & Shangriballa. After many years serving, working with and studying Kambo, together with other holistic healing modalities, she manifested this unique system.


"Nadi" refers to a conecpt in yoga and Ayurveda related to the subtle energy channels within the body known as "nadi's." Nadis are the pathways through which prana (life force energy) flows. Nadi Yoga is not a widely recognised or standardised system like oither forms of yoga. It emcompasses practices and principles that focus on balancing and harmonising these energy channels for impoved physical, mental and spiritual well-being.


In yogic philiosophy, the human body is believed to contain thousands of nadi energy pathways, however there are 3 main channels that weave up and down the spine, feeding energy into the 7 chakras. These 3 main nadis are:


Ida Nadi: Ida is often asccociated with luna energy and is considered the femine channel. It runs along the left side of the spinal chord, and its energy is said to be cooling, calming and nurturing. Ida is connected to the parasympathetic nervous system and is associated with receptivity, inuition and relaxation.


Pingala Nadi: Pingala is associated with solar energy and is considered the masculine channel. It runs along the right side of the spinal chord, and its energy is thought to be heating, energising and activating. Pingala is connected to the syspathetic nervous system and is associated with qualities like action, logic and dynamism.


Sushumna Nadi: Sushumna is the central Nadi. It runs along the spinal column, is allinged with the physical spine and is considered the channel through which spiritual energy flows. Sushumna is associated with activating higher conciousness, self-realisation, and spiritual awakening. It remains dormant in most individuals until it is awakened through spiritual practces.


How can we support this system with Kambo? Stimulating and balancing the Pingala and Ida Nadi is essential to support energy flow through the central chanenel, Sushumna Nadi. Harmonising these three main nadis will support overall well-being. The goal is create an intergrated and harmonious flow of energy throughout the entire subtle energy system of the body.


Chakra Activation: The Nadis intersect at various points along the spinal column, corresponding to the chakras. Balancing the nadis contributes to the balanced activation of the chakras. Each chakra has physical, emotional and mental aspects that manifest into our day to day life experience. The versatility of the Nadi Kambo system means we can target these chakras and channels.


How is Nadi Kambo different? We use geometric designs on the Nadi channels that correspond to the Chakra(s) we intend on rebalancing. Kambo is placed on various points of these designs depending on how much medicine the client requires. These protocols are typically offered to clients that have some previous experience with Kambo, as they can be very powerful, often using smaller amounts of Kambo than normal.













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