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Kambo is the secretion from the Large Green Tree Frog, called Phyllomedusa Bicolor and originates from the upper Amazon rainforest. 


Kambo is a  traditional Amazonian remedy that has been used by indigenous people for thousands of years. The tribes used Kambo to remove blocked, negative energy called ''panema", heighten their senses for hunting, treat illnesses and ailments.


Legend has it that a village Sharman took part in a plant medicine ceremony after the locals fell ill, to ask for guidance on healing them. The Sharman was shown by a female spirit how to find, harvest, and apply Kambo, saving the village. 


In recent years Kambo has become increasingly popular in the west as our search for natural, non-pharmaceutical solutions to health and well-being increases. 

Our Journey

With a friendship spanning over 20 years, we decided to launch Cleanse with Kambo, after experiencing the life-changing effects ourselves. Our encounters with Kambo have been both dramatic and transformative, which is what encouraged us to become practitioners of the medicine. 


Natasha A mother of two beautiful children & successful business owner. 

"Juggling family life as well as running a business is stressful. For years I suffered from crippling anxiety, depression including post-natal depression as well as insomnia. I tried all of the mainstream solutions, all of which have failed to help me overcome my issues. After years of trying I had almost given up hope, but then I was told about Kambo and can honestly say it has transformed my life. I have never been so clear, focused and happy".

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Leigh is a personal trainer and a massage therapist has always been interested in a healthy lifestyle. From nutrition, keeping fit, alternative therapy & plant medicines. "Kambo has helped calm my mind, increase productivity, and has improved my general mood & sense of well being".


Having both experienced such positive effects from their work with Kambo, they felt a calling to serve the frog medicine, and help others in similar situations.


As Kambo practitioners, also known as Kambo healers or Kambo facilitators, we have undergone specialised training in the application and administration of Kambo medicine. Practitioners play a crucial role in conducting Kambo ceremonies and guiding participants through the healing process. We are often deeply connected to the cultural and spiritual traditions of the Amazonian tribes from which Kambo originates.


We have receive extensive training from experienced shamans and experienced Kambo facilitators. This training involves learning about the properties of Kambo, proper application techniques, safety protocols, and understanding the spiritual and ceremonial aspects of the practice. Additionally, we are taught to assess participants' health conditions and readiness for the ceremony.


We have not only received training in the technical aspects of administering the medicine but also learned about the cultural significance of Kambo within the Amazonian tribes. We appreciate and respect the indigenous traditions from which Kambo originates and seek to honour and preserve these ancient practices.


During a Kambo ceremony, our role is not only to apply the medicine but also to guide and support the participants throughout the experience. We create a safe and sacred space for the ceremony, facilitating rituals. Throughout the ceremony, we promise to remain attentive to the participants' well-being, offering encouragement and reassurance when needed.


Ethical Kambo practitioners prioritise the safety and well-being of the participants above all else. We carefully assess each individual's health history and advise against Kambo treatment for those with certain medical conditions or sensitivities. Additionally, we never force or pressure anyone into participating in a Kambo ceremony.


As Kambo practitioners, we engage in continuous learning and self-development to deepen our knowledge and understanding of Kambo and related healing practices..  We are fully accredited by the IAKP


As responsible Kambo practitioners, we maintain transparency and honesty with our clients. We discuss the potential effects and risks of Kambo, ensuring participants provide informed consent before undergoing the ceremony.


With the increasing popularity of alternative healing practices, including Kambo, more individuals are becoming interested in becoming Kambo practitioners. While this interest can be positive for spreading awareness about the medicine, it is essential for aspiring practitioners to undergo proper training and learn from experienced sources to maintain the integrity of this sacred healing tradition.

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