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Frequently asked questions 

  • What is Kambo?
    Kambo is the waxy secretion from the Large Green Tree Frog, called Phyllomedusa Bicolor, and contains a number of bioactive peptides
  • Where does Kambo come from?
    Kambo originates from the upper Amazon rainforest, in South America
  • What can Kambo help with?
    Kambo has been reported to help with: HIV, cancer, fertility issues, lymes disease, depression, addiction, chronic pain, migraines, organ diseases, skin and eye issues, herpes, candida, infections, arthritis, viruses, autoimmune disorders, and a host of other physical issues
  • Is Kambo legal?
    Kambo is legal in all countries in the world, with the exception of Australia
  • How long does a Kambo treatment last?
    A Single Kambo treatment can last anywhere between 20-40 minutes
  • How many treatments will I need?
    The Number of treatments will depend on the case at hand. For many people a few treatments will be sufficient for really noticeable changes, however for more complex cases, additional treatments may be required
  • Does the treatment leave a scar?
    Each persons skin heals differently so it is difficult to say for sure, but clients are usually left with very small white marks. There are however, more discrete areas of the body that we can place the Kambo
  • Is Kambo suitable for everyone?
    There are some contraindications that would mean Kambo is not suitable for you, this will be discussed with you during your consultation with your Cleanse with Kambo practitioner. Have serious heart problems. Are on medication for low blood pressure. Have had a stroke. Have had a brain haemorrhage. Have an aneurism or blood clots. Lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo. Have serious mental health problems excluding depression, PTSD and anxiety. Are undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy or for 4 weeks afterwards. Take immune-suppressants for organ transplant. Have Addison’s Disease Have low levels of cortisol in the blood Have current and severe Epilepsy Are recovering from a major surgical procedure Have used Bufo in the past 4 weeks Are under 18 years old Are pregnant or maybe so or are breast-feeding a child under 6 months old This is not an exhaustive list, again this will be discussed with your practitioner
  • Is there any research on Kambo?
  • Is Kambo toxic?
    Kambo is not toxic to the human body and is not a poison. Kambo is sometimes referred to as a 'Poison' in the media due to the purging effects, it is in fact a secretion packed full of potent bioactive peptides that have great positive effects on the human system. So much so that over 70 have been identified and synthetically recreated by pharmaceutical companies
  • Is Kambo psychedelic or hallucinogenic?
    Kambo is non-psychoactive, and will not get you high. Research into Kambo by the FDA concluded it is not psychoactive, this is also supported by the International Association of Kambo Practitioners
  • Is Kambo addictive?
    Kambo is not addictive. Kambo in fact, has been shown to help with addictions
  • How will i feel after the treatment?
    In the days following a Kambo treatment, you may feel full of energy or may be left feeling lethargic. Both of these are completely normal reactions. Kambo provides a deep cleanse which can mean the cravings for certain unhealthy foods, negative behaviours & thought patterns are reduced, so we advise that you use this opportunity to create more healthy choices in your life.
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