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Kambo Safety 

Kambo is undoubtedly a very powerful substance, therefor it is imperative that it is served to you by a trained practitioner. There are some contraindications that could mean Kambo is not suitable for you, this will be discussed during a consultation with your Cleanse with Kambo practitioner. 


Our practitioners are trained by the International Association of Kambo Practitioners. The IAKP has very strict practices that we must adhere to in order to maintain the client's safety, and the protection & reputation of the sacred frog.  


Our CWK practitioners are registered with and part of the KamboTree Coalition. This organisation has been created by Lisa Silva with the intention of bringing together the knowledge and invaluable experience of Kambo practitioners from across the globe, some of which work as doctors, ayurvedic practitioners and psychologists. When presented with complex cases we have the resources to obtain the guidance on how best to treat the individual.


Please contact us if you have any further questions regarding Kambo's suitability for you.

Kambo contraindications:

Heart bypass surgery
Cardiomegaly (enlarged heart)
Implanted cardioverter defibrillators 
Congestive heart disease
Heart valve repalcement
Are on medication for low blood pressure.

Have had a stroke.
Have had a brain hemorrhage.
Have an aneurysm or blood clots.
Lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo.
Have serious mental health problems excluding depression, PTSD, and anxiety.
Are undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy or for 4 weeks afterward.
Take immune-suppressants for an organ transplant.
Have Addison’s Disease.
Have current and severe Epilepsy.
Are recovering from a major surgical procedure.
Have used Bufo in the past 6 weeks.
Are under 18 years old.
Are pregnant or maybe so or are breast-feeding a child under 6 months old.

Caution is advised with the following conditions:

Specific use of certain medications (to be verified by a practitioner)

Active drug or alcohol addiction.
Do not fast for 7 days before Kambo.
Colonics, enemas, liver flushes or any water based detox should be avoided within 3 days either side of taking Kambo.


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